Clifford Champion Beer Festival
Clifford Champion Beer Festival is an annual community event for all ages featuring great beer, local street food
and local bands.
If you'd like to volunteer and help us out this year, then please get in touch via the Contact page.
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The Entertainment
Following last year's line-up we hope to bring you another interesting and varied selection of local artists.
We'll update this page as they get confirmed.
For the kids (or even the grown-ups), there will also be facepainting available again this year.

The Food
Big Red Oven are once again providing pizzas and fries.
Award winning pies (with mushy peas & mint sauce, if preferred), along with pasties, available from the village hall kitchen.
..and returning this year we have Connie's Cakes, providing a delicious selection of cake, chocolate brownies, Rocky Road and other tasty treats including gluten free and vegan versions.